What to do if you run out of milk…

Pouring Milk

Making the Most of It

When my husband and I were first married, I remember that running out of milk constituted an emergency.

We didn’t know what to do when we ran out of milk. We couldn’t bake, we couldn’t eat our cereal… Over the last few years I’ve had to learn how to switch to non-dairy versions of milk. I’ve discovered that there are so many options out there that I laugh at my younger self for panicking when I ran out. We’re going to share some milk alternatives with you so that if you’re trying to avoid going to the store to get more, you have options.

Here are some ideas that can meet those milk needs and open your mind to great alternatives that, frankly, make life a little easier in these harder times.

You’re probably familiar with the variety of milks available at the store. You can find soy, hemp, almond, oat, rice, etc. The nice thing is, if you don’t already have those in your pantry it’s very easy to make milk out of just about anything!

Nut Milk

The number one go-to in our family is nut milk. We grab any type of nut or seed that we have on hand like:

  • almonds,
  • macadamias,
  • cashews,
  • walnuts,
  • or sunflower seeds.

When we’re ready to make our milk, we put one cup of the nut or seed into a blender and add 3 cups of water.  Put the lid on and blend. It’s as simple as that.

We run the blender on high until it’s nice and smooth. If we’re using it to bake or pouring it over cereal, we don’t really worry about straining the milk because all of the particles that are left behind blend well with these options. If you prefer smoother milk you can pour it through cheesecloth or purchase one of the mesh bags that are specifically made for the job.

Grain or Rice

Another option is to turn to grains or rices that you probably have on hand. Believe it or not, you can use foods like millet, rice or quinoa to make milk. Cook it first and then use 1 cup of your grain or rice of choice, add four cups of water, and blend.


If you want to make oat milk you can take one cup of oats and four cups of water, add them to the blender, put on the lid, and let soak for 15 minutes. Turn on the blender once it starts to look smooth, there’s your oat milk! 

You can personalize your milk so it tastes just the way you want. If you want a little sweetness, drop in:

  • one to three whole dates,
  • some raisins,
  • a pinch of stevia,
  • a little bit of whole cane sugar,
  • or maple syrup to taste.

Another addition you might enjoy is a couple tablespoons of cocoa powder for chocolate milk, a handful of frozen berries for a smoothie vibe, or just a dash of vanilla. Some people enjoy adding a tiny pinch of salt but be cautious and taste as you go. Depending on your preference, you can make the milk thicker or thinner by adding or reducing the amount of water. 

We encourage you to have fun with trying different combinations.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and realize that, if you are running out of milk, there’s no need to panic. This shouldn’t be your main reason to run to the store in a hurry. You can wait a few more days by trying one of these fun milk alternatives.