Physical Therapy can help with Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Myofascial release techniques encompass a variety of soft tissue therapies to treat pain, relax muscles, improve circulation and lymphatic drainage, and increase mobility. Physical therapists are masters of the methods that employ gentle touch and stretching to promote healing and relieve chronic conditions.

Skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments often become stiff, sore, and tight following an injury or trauma and are present in many chronic diseases. Pain in one area of the body often originates in another location entirely. The exact location within the anatomy where the pain originates is referred to as a trigger point and it can be manipulated through myofascial release techniques.

To protect itself, the body responds to pain, injury, and chronic disease syndromes by trying to isolate the damage to a single location. The reaction can produce tension, swelling, stiffness, and restrictions extending through multiple layers of interconnecting tissue that can reach the bone. Pressure within the body can occur measured at up to 2,000 psi.

Multiple Components

Myofascial pain has multiple components that require specialized therapy. Many conditions, diseases, syndromes, and injuries can result in trigger points that cause immediate pain and effects that can linger far into the future. Symptoms may appear immediately or even years later and patients may not associate the original injury with the current pain.

Myofascial techniques are beneficial for conditions ranging from migraines and TMJ pain to lumbar problems, fibromyalgia, and carpal tunnel. Chronic fatigue syndrome, mastectomy pain, and neurological dysfunction can all be addressed successfully with myofascial release to relieve pain, foster mobility and reduce the potential for disability.

Restoring Functionality

We may utilize therapeutic massage to loosen and strengthen tissues. Therapies work with the body’s healing abilities to help remove toxins that collect at injured and inflamed locations and direct circulation where it’s needed most.

We can integrate other physical therapies with myofascial release. Compression and the gentle stretching and movements of clinical Pilates and yoga reinforce the effects of massage therapy. Depending upon the patient and the source of the pain, electrical stimulation and ultrasound may be incorporated into a treatment and management plan.

Our physical therapists are skilled in myofascial techniques for pain relief, restoring functionality, and releasing the tension, inflammation, and pressure that accompany injuries and chronic disease. Myofascial therapies are effective for treating current, prior, and chronic conditions and injuries to enhance motion, reduce the potential for disability, and improve quality of life.