Optimal Health Formula

Having a healthy life is easier these days with the availability of food supplements and health drinks. However, is that all we need? Of course not! Achieving optimal health in our lives requires discipline and hard work. But we can start in simple and small ways.

  • While sitting in front of the computer or television, try to take frequent breaks simply by standing up and getting on your feet. If you can browse your computer while standing, do it as much as possible.  If you are watching TV, do not stay seated during commercials or breaks.  Try to move around and do something until the advertisement ends.
  • Get on your feet for an hour or two a day to decrease cholesterol levels and blood pressure. You can do this easily by standing up and moving around whenever you have the opportunity. 
  • Try to walk around while in a conversation, especially if you’re on the phone. Move around your house whenever possible. You can already consider this exercise. Avoid being immobile as much as possible.
  • When using a car, park a bit further than usual from a building’s entrance so that you will be forced to walk. Resist parking closer to the entrance. You will hardly notice that you’re already exercising.
  • While waiting for someone, move around. If you can stand up while waiting, do so.
  • Sleep for at least 7 continuous hours. This will prevent your metabolism from slowing down. 
  • Eat whenever you feel hungry or in smaller parts every 2 hours. Eating smaller portions is better than having 3 big meals a day. Fruits, vegetables, and fish are the healthiest foods you can eat. They provide the most nutrients to your body. Avoid eating junk food. 
  • Drink lots of water as much. Avoid sodas.
  • Refrain from smoking and excess drinking. Focus on the health benefits that you will gain.
  • Relax once in a while and de-stress. Try meditation, yoga, or other relaxation techniques that will make you feel happy and calm.

The aforementioned are just simple ways to start having a healthy lifestyle. Once you have adjusted to these healthy habits, challenge yourself by doing something more complicated.

Foods for Healthy Skin

Having smooth and healthy skin is important. Choosing the right food will help you have a healthy body inside and out. The saying “You are what you eat” is true, and we must be careful about the food we eat. Everything that enters your mouth should be beneficial to your health. 

Below are some of the foods that can help you have healthy skin:

  • Antioxidant-rich foods.  Antioxidants help prevent diseases.  Examples of these are citrus fruits, berries, red and yellow peppers, tomatoes and their juice, pineapple, cantaloupe, mangos, papaya, guava, dark green vegetables like spinach, asparagus, green peppers, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and watercress.
  • Vitamin E-rich foods. This vitamin protects against cardiovascular diseases by preventing plaque formation in the arteries. Olives, soybeans, corn, cottonseed and safflower, nuts, seeds, whole grains, wheat, brown rice, oatmeal, soybeans, sweet potatoes, beans, lentils, split peas, and dark leafy green vegetables are foods rich in Vitamin E.
  • Selenium-rich foods.  Selenium is a trace mineral that plays a role in ensuring the health of skin, hair, and nails. It increases skin elasticity which cuts down flaky scalp problems. Food like Brazil nuts, brewer’s yeast, chicken, eggs, low-fat dairy products, garlic, molasses, onions, salmon, seafood, tuna, wheat germ, and whole grains are rich in selenium. 
  • Beta-Carotene-rich foods.  While beta-carotene is best known as a predecessor to vitamin A in the body, this vitamin is effective against harmful free radicals. Examples of foods rich in beta-carotene are broccoli, kale, spinach, sweet potatoes, carrots, and apricots.

Most of these foods can easily be found in markets. Always remember that everything you eat is healthiest in moderation. Anything that you take less or more than what is required can harm you instead of help you. Eating foods that are healthy for the skin is good, but don’t forget to concentrate on a healthy overall diet as well. Taking care of the whole body by eating the right foods and doing the right exercise is still the best way to be healthy. 

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Don’t wait any longer. Start achieving a healthy lifestyle today. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if there is anything we can help with.