Ergonomics in the Office

Man working on computer

If you are experiencing pain related to your daily tasks at work, you are not alone. Pain resulting from poor positioning and overuse is common. Spending too much time in a particular position can cause pain. Repetitive movements can cause pain when performed for prolonged time periods. Neck and low back pain, forearm and wrist pain are all common symptoms that may be aggravated by your positioning.

Man working on computer

If you are suffering from pain, it is crucial that you observe how you are positioned and working. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you having to reach too far frequently?
  • Are you placing yourself in a bad position?
  • When you are in the same posture, do you take 30 second rest breaks to stretch your muscles periodically?
  • Have you been ignoring your pain?

People often think that they have no choice but to work through their pain. Don’t be discouraged. Injury can be resolved quickly if you don’t ignore your pain. Pain left ignored can continue and become more severe and chronic.

Seek help from a Physical Therapist if you don’t know what to do. As experts in ergonomics, PT’s can give suggestions to modify your work environment and give you solutions to work safer without subjecting your body to unnecessary stresses.